Well guys … I knew there would come a time when I would regret putting my spending habits out in the open for everyone to see. I’m slightly embarrassed about how much I spent in June, but there were some investment pieces that just needed to be had. For starters: this bright red anorak jacket for summer storms, a similar khaki anorak that I found in Chicago after it had been sold out for two months and a black leather trim trench coat (spring version here) that is completely out of season but will be an essential wardrobe staple come fall.
I know, I know — I can justify it all I want but the truth of the matter is that this month’s purchases was slightly outrageous. Luckily, I came in under budget for most of the year so far, leaving me only $25 over budget for the year to date. I would say time to reel it in, but today officially kicks off my birthday month which means I probably won’t be acting fiscally responsible until August. Can I get a YOLO?
Red Coated Twill Anorak Jacket — $51.20 (was $128)
Wallpaper Floral Maxi Dress — $39.20 (was $98)
Strappy Teal Maxi Dress — $49 (was $98)
Khaki Twill Anorak Jacket — $64 (was $128)
Teal Fluted Skirt in Double Crepe — $42 (was $59.99)
Vintage Cotton Striped Sleeve T-Shirt — $17.50 (was $24.99)
Light Chambray Button Up Shirt — $22.25 (was $54.50)
Black Trench Coat (spring version here) — $176 (was $295)
White Chuck Taylor Sneakers — $44.95 (was $50)
Pearl Chain Necklace — $38
Palm Print Midi Dress — $24
January: $324.25
February: $225.84
March: $328.85
April: $390.16
May: $288.34
$25.51 over budget!
I see you couldn’t resist the Loft sales! Love your maxi dress finds!
$25 over budget isn’t too bad.. good job! Better than me.. haha! ; )
Investment pieces, right? 🙂
Liz @ http://www.shoppingmycloset.com
Weekly Style Me Wednesday link-up
I love that anorak. So perfect for summer!
Style by Joules
You got some great deals, girl! Can’t let a good one get away! I had my eyes on a purse on sale at Kate Spade and I let “her” get away! I’m kicking myself for not snatching it up! Sadness!
I have the green skirt (in navy) pictured above and I absolutely love it! But I’m in the same boat as you when it comes to overspending. That’s why I kicked off No-Buy July today (I doubt I can go an entire month without shopping, but it’s worth a try!)