Tag: ShoeMint

Little Leopard Dress

I used to think I had my wardrobe basics covered when it came to dresses.  Little black dress?  Check.  Little white dress?  Check and check.  But a little leopard dress?  Where have you been all of my life?! I’m no…


Over the past few weeks, temps have been fluctuating from 50°F to 20°F, leaving me barelegged one day and bundled up on another.  I think I speak for all of us when I say we’re ready to get off this…

street art

I may have lived in New York City for nearly a year and half now, but there will always be a little bit of tourist in me.  I mean, how could you not just be in awe?  This past weekend,…

sequin shoulders

Let’s pretend yesterday wasn’t a brutal 5°F with a windchill of -12°F and rewind to the week I was barelegged and dining al fresco in San Diego.  Feels like ages ago, doesn’t it? Well polar vortex be damned — in…

resolved revival

Happy 2014!  One of my resolutions is to get more mileage out my wardrobe, so I’m starting off the new year with some old favorites.  That means reviving an old polka dot sweater for the first time in over a…

holiday sparkle

It’s almost time to round out the holiday season and you better believe that I’m breaking out the sequins to ring in the new year.  I know, I know, there’s so much pressure for New Year’s Eve to be amazing…