Tag: Winter Fashion

leopard & burgundy

There’s something magical about waking up to snow falling outside your window.  And there’s something a little less magical about the day after it snows.  This outfit was taken during the latter. Pristine snow turns into dirty slush and melting…

sleek & chic

I’m a little shy when it comes to form fitting dresses — I feel uneasy just thinking of the phrase “skin tight” and all the images that conjures up.  But then came along this dress from Langford Market.  Long sleeves…

saturday plaidurday

This past Saturday, the BF and I went spent the afternoon in Brooklyn where we grabbed brunch, relaxed at a coffee shop and then indulged in a few sweet treats at a local bakery.  It feels like a world away,…

pinky promise.

Why does everyone tend to wear darker, more muted colors in the winter?  As if the freezing temps and lack of sunlight weren’t depressing enough!  Before moving to NYC, I made a promise to myself to keep wearing colorful clothes,…

fall essentials: faux fur.

Last week, NYC experienced its first chill of the season — and you know what that means.  It’s time to pull the faux fur out of hibernation!  Need to stock up before the cold front rolls in for the next…

something borrowed.

While the bf was out of town this weekend, I decided to raid his closet.  Turns out, his button-up shirts are perfect for layering under a big cozy sweater.  I wish I had thought of this sooner and will definitely…