Tag: Gap

little birdie.

I’m still daydreaming about my recent trip to Louisiana, even though my body and my bank account are still paying for how much I ate, drank and shopped while down there.  One of my favorite finds included this bird print…

currently craving: neon.

You probably already know how much I love bright colors, but lately, I’ve been wanting to turn up the dial … a lot.  I’m talking ultra bright neons, as a single pop of color or piled on each other.  Check…

tropical touch.

It’s barely even spring here in NYC and I’m already craving summer.  I scooped up this floral blazer knowing that it would jazz up any outfit on the go, but the tropical details have got me dreaming of lazy days…


This past weekend, I took a quick trip down to DC where the weather was insanely gorgeous — I’m talking pops of neon, bare legs and open toes kind of gorgeous!  As much as I love taking in all the…

st. patty’s day.

I’ve actually never celebrated St. Patty’s Day before this past weekend, mostly because I’m not a huge fan of giant drunken crowds of people.  But I do love to get dressed up for holidays, themes or … no reason at…

bright + bundled.

After the magic of the holidays have come and gone, winter can feel … well, like winter: cold, damp, and dreary.  Well, I beg to differ!  There are plenty of bright winter accessories on sale right now, which provide the…