My 2017 New Year’s Resolutions

Cute Workout Clothes / Blue Colorblock Leggings

Zella side slit muscle tank (also comes in blue, black and white) / Zella ‘Premier’ mesh inset leggings (cropped, but full length on me) / Black sports bra / Converse All Star Sneakers

Today, I’m sharing my New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 and spoiler alert: they’re definitely not all fitness related.

Cute Workout Clothes / Blue Colorblock Leggings

It’s been a while since I’ve set goals for myself, mainly because I tend to break them within a few months/weeks/days. I’m the kind of person that likes to dream big and then gets easily distracted from my goals. So to make them feel a little more achievable, I’m breaking them up into a few different focuses and then categorizing them by level of difficulty.

Cute Workout Clothes / Blue Colorblock Leggings

My Personal Resolution: Push my fitness limits to become healthier and stronger.
I don’t cover fitness as much as I’d like to on the blog, but it’s actually a huge focus in my personal life. Ever since I joined ClassPass a few years ago, I realized that I work best when I take a group class because I need someone to tell me what to do, but I hate the idea of working 1 on 1 with a personal trainer. I’ve figured out my favorite studios and have gotten into a routine, but now it’s time to push my limits and get out of my comfort zone.

  • Easy: Try 1 new fitness studio every month.
  • Intermediate: Sign up for a 5K and run it!
  • Advanced: Complete a 30-day yoga challenge.

Cute Workout Clothes / Grey Cutout Muscle Tank

My Professional Resolution: Surround myself with new challenges and continue to grow.
Because you’ve stuck with me this far, I’ll let you in on a little secret that I haven’t shared anywhere else yet: I’m starting the new year off with a new job! With that comes new responsibilities, new players and new challenges. I’m really excited for this major opportunity to start in a few weeks, so I’m kicking of this new journey with a few career-related resolutions.

  • Easy: Step up my work-wear wardrobe.
  • Intermediate: Develop a career-focused series on Skirt The Rules.
  • Advanced: Strive for work/life balance.

Cute Workout Clothes / Blue Colorblock Leggings

My Blog Resolution: Diversify the topics covered on Skirt The Rules.
To my fashion blogger friends out there: Do you ever ask yourself, “How long am I going to keep taking photos of myself wearing outfits?” I think about this every now and then. Not to mention, James asks me this every time I drag him out to take photos (love you, mean it!). Personal style is obviously a key component of my blog, but this year, I want to take a big step in diversifying the things I cover on Skirt The Rules.

  • Easy: Write 1 long lifestyle-focused essay per week.
  • Intermediate: Produce 1 travel guide video every month.
  • Advanced: Develop a weekly Skirt The Rules Newsletter.

It might seem like a tall order for 2017, but by breaking my goals down to be more tangible and digestible, I feel like I’ve got a pretty realistic list of resolutions for the year. I’d like to think that every year is going to be better than the next and so far, all signs point to yes.

P.S. If you’ve got resolutions of your own, here’s how not to break them.

Cute Workout Clothes / Grey Cutout Muscle Tank

Get the Look:

Zella side slit muscle tank (also comes in blue, black and white) / Zella ‘Premier’ mesh inset leggings (cropped, but full length on me) / Black sports bra / Converse All Star Sneakers

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  1. I would definitely love to see a post about how you can wear certain pieces to work, and then style them for casual errand running weekends. I would also love to read a career focused series, so I can get a glimpse of what life after college will bring me!


    Posted 1.4.17 Reply
  2. Kathryn wrote:

    These are all great resolutions! Congratulations on your new job! I think a career section here at Skirt The Rules would be fabulous 🙂

    xx Kathryn

    Posted 1.9.17 Reply