bar none.

A little over two months ago, I started what has been quite possibly the hardest task of my life to date: studying for the NY bar exam.  It’s an endurance test — not only for the 12-hour exam spread over 2 days, but for the months leading up to it.  For me, that involved spending 10-12 hours in the library, every day of the week.  Learning material dating back to the first year of law school, along with more complex topics from scratch and the laws of a state in which I haven’t ever even lived in.  Memorizing eighteen different areas of law and being able to apply these principals in problems where I will have as little as a minute to decide the correct answer.

It’s going to be a crazy two days, and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t incredibly nervous going into it, but I’ve received incredible support and well-wishes from my friends and family and for that, I am beyond grateful.  To my friends taking the bar this week, good luck!  Not that you need it.  And to everyone else, please continue to send smart, positive vibes my way for the next two days and I will see you all on the other side!

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