very pinteresting.

Follow Jenny in Jacquard on Pinterest

I’m constantly inspired by magazines, lookbooks, and other style bloggers, so much so that I needed a way to organize my thoughts in a visually accessible way.  Enter Pinterest, an online mood board that allows you to browse, organize, and share inspiring or amusing images found on the web.  It also allows you to connect with your Facebook friends to see what visually inspires them.  If you’re not already on it, definitely try it out!

Lately, I’ve been working on collecting images that epitomize fall fashion.  From capes to cords and leopard to loafers, outfit posts from my favorite bloggers never cease to inspire.  Check them out below and on my Fall Fashion Pinterest Board.

Pinned via What I Wore

Pinned via Cupcakes and Cashemre

Pinned via Wendy’s Lookbook

Pinned via Atlantic Pacific

Repinned via Pinterest.

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