Tag: Lou & Grey

Fall on the West Coast

After spending the first week of November in Arizona, I remembered how wonderful fall is on the West Coast — that is, if you can even consider it a real season there.  No crunchy golden leaves on the ground —…

Bear Down x100

There is exactly one weekend in the year that is more magical than Christmas, more sentimental than Valentine’s Day and more epic than New Years … and that, my friends, is Homecoming Weekend.  If you went to the University of Arizona,…


Having lived in NYC for two years now, my appetite for exploration has expanded beyond the five boroughs and up the East Coast.  There’s just so much to see and so many little towns to visit, it can get a…

Workin’ for the Weekend

Oh hey Friday!  What took you so damn long to get here?  It’s been a long week at work and I’m so looking forward to a little bit of R&R.  The plan?  No plans.  I just want to frolic through…

Drop It Low (Pt. 2)

I’m a firm believer in the saying: when you know what you love, get it in every color.  As for me and drop waist dresses?  It was one of those love at first sight feelings.  I wore my first last week…

Silky Sweatshirt

  Silky sweatshirt.  I feel like it’s a bit of an oxymoron, but it was love at first sight with this top.  Between the lightweight fabric to the texture-like print to the fact that it’s currently 50% off today only…