Tag: Leopard

one of the boys.

You may have noticed that I don’t wear hats very often/at all on the blog.  As much I would love to be a hat person, I suffer from a very serious condition called megalocephaly. Just kidding.  I googled “medical condition for…

fall essentials: leopard.

Leopard has always been a neutral in my book, so it’s no surprise that I’m craving the animal print more than ever now that fall is here.  Take it in small doses or balls to the wall.  Check out my…

in between.

Guys, I’m so torn. I’m not ready for summer to be over, but I’m actually excited to trade in my brights ensembles for something a little simpler (go ahead and rub this in my face in six months).  I mean,…

up or down.

I’m back to my usual print-mixing self today and I couldn’t be happier!  I finally pulled this skirt out of hibernation, but couldn’t decide whether to dress it up or down — so I went for both!  A little leopard…

sharp + chic.

Even though this weekend went by way too fast, I figured I’d start off the work week right with a sharp and chic outfit.  As hard as it is to pull myself out of bed on a Monday morning, getting…

leopard + stripes.

I took a trip an excursion to the Target in Brooklyn a few weeks ago to buy a few household goods, but as always, got completely distracted by things I don’t need (I think that’s Target’s secret objective).  I ended up…