Category: Life

Weekend Notes: Thanksgiving Edition

Happy Thanksgiving friends!  James and I are celebrating in NYC for the second year in a row and while we hate being away from family during the holidays, there’s still so much to be thankful for this year. For starters,…

Celebrate InStyle

We’re barely a few days into November, but I swear, holiday cheer is already in the air.  Never mind the fact that I literally witnessed someone putting up Christmas decorations the morning after Halloween.  It’s always on to the next,…

Weekend Notes: 10.04.14

Can you believe it’s October already?  The weather is getting cooler, the days are getting shorter and summer feels like a distant memory.  I’m not too thrilled about that but going into my third fall in NYC, I have to…

My NYFW Survival Kit

Its my last day of NYFW today, but don’t worry, I have plenty of more photos to share.  Secretly, I’m kind of excited that the spectacle is over so that I can crawl back into bed and not wear heels…

Weekend Notes: 08.23.14

Can you believe it’s the second to last weekend of the summer?  It feels like just yesterday that I was scheming away at all the grand plans to be had.  And now that the season is wrapping up, I actually…